Community partners

OHTs are groups of health care providers who will deliver a full continuum of care to their clients including primary care services, home care, acute care, long-term care, mental health and addictions services, and palliative care services. OHTs will allow care providers to be more efficient, and spend more of their time and resources delivering care to patients. Our EYRND OHT has strong support from our local primary care providers. We are very excited to have the involvement of our local providers, as we take this collaborative journey together to provide seamless care to community residents.

Learn more about the activities our OHT is working on:

Improving communication during transfers (SBARD)
The EYRND OHT is launching a new tool designed to help improve communication for resident /patient transferring between long-term care homes (LTCH), retirement homes (RH) and hospital Emergency Departments (ED). This tool is a three-page form titled: LTCH/RH – ED Transfer Communication Form . The tool was developed in partnership with LTCH, RH, the Central Local Health Integration Network, the Ontario Retirement Communities Association, and members of the Markham Stouffville Hospital (MSH) ED.

In addition to the new communication tool, MSH and Uxbridge Hospital will also be providing patients’ LTCH/RH with additional standard medical records, to support and inform quality of care.

During the pandemic, clear communication amongst health care providers is vital for the safety of our residents and staff, and we encourage LTCH/RH to make the best use of the new communication tool provided.

If you are a member of a LTCH/RH, please download the LTCH/RH – ED Transfer Communication Form, and complete one for each resident. A brief instruction video and document are also available.